Deliverable D4.5 - Non-invasive hemodynamics
System test of non-invasive hemodynamics feedback control of brain activity in vivo
Deliverable D4.5 - Non-invasive hemodynamics
Deliverable D1.2 - Two-photon activation
Young Researcher - Chengwei Yi - University of Bayreuth
Young Researcher - Anton Sdobnov - University of OULU
Young Researcher - Qianzhao Xu - University of Bayreuth
Young Researcher - Alberto Coll Manzano - University of Barcelona
Young Researcher - Laia Sitjà Roqueta - University of Barcelona
Young Researcher - Neville Ngum - Aston University
Young Researcher - Diana Galiakhmetova - Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies
Young Researcher - Dr Dimitri Stoliarov - Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies